

Inspiring in different ways and on themes that are about how we feel as a person, how we relate to the other and what if something is pinches or under pressure. Sharing knowledge and skills in a personal way, in particular also to provide insights and practical tools. Bringing people together through live experiences in interaction so that there is real contact.
I organize events, especially for care and education, in which I raise questions from my own practice that also live in education and care and provide new insights and practical tools.That makes me happy.


I give lectures and presentations. Here, too, my attention is focused on the relationship that man has with himself and the other.


  • How to improve your relationship
  • From uncertainty and fear to self-confidence
  • Restoring conflicts
  • If your own history gets in your way
  • Reduce the negative consequences of divorce or legal separation
  • The family and work relationship back in balance in a family business


Parents evenings
There are various themes for parents’ evenings at schools. On request, a presentation with a different, suitable theme can be offered.

  • How to increase your child’s independence, self-confidence and self-image
  • The dynamics between siblings
  • What if you have a child with different behavior
  • Limiting the effects of divorce
  • Where do perfectionism and fear of failure come from
  • Dealing with anger and criticism
  • Intergenerational and intercultural effects

Greet de Bruijn
Beekstraat 14a
5671 CT Nuenen
T +31 611 498 416

Banknr: 81 86 07 792
KvK: 17123641
BTW nummer: 140.58.462.B.01

GoTogdb is part of communication consultancy The Bitter End
our event agency: Loyaal Leven