

Inspiring in different ways and on themes that are about how we feel as a person, how we relate to the other and what if something is pinches or under pressure. Sharing knowledge and skills in a personal way, in particular also to provide insights and practical tools. Bringing people together through live experiences in interaction so that there is real contact.
That makes me happy.

Loyaal leven

From February 1, 2025, I will no longer organize events.
Thanks for all the curiosity, support, fun and trust!!

After more than 10 years of organizing beautiful and impactful conferences, symposiums, book promotions, parties and more with great speakers the time has come for me to put an end to this and stop Loyaal Leven.
My drive was to meet each other in real life at all these events. That worked out very well for many years, but was later thwarted by corona:) I then converted the planned events to online events and fortunately they also went super well and were well received. I myself was less happy with this form and organized much less. After that, other fun things required my attention and that is why I have now decided that it is so good. The videos are of course still on YouTube😊
One last party on May 8, the 10th anniversary of Leren over Leven-OICS. Setting up this training institute with Mirjam Bakker was a great adventure. The training continues, unfortunately without Mirjam *, and now with me in the RvA. On to the next generation, as it should be, even if it is a bit earlier than expected.

Event archive
2022 Trends, Signs, Future, research and symposium
2022 Working with Couples, information evening
2020 Learning from Unhappiness, symposium
2020 Not giving up, symposium
2019 Book presentation Lifeblood of trust for real relationship
2019 Fighting parents and desperate children, symposium
2019 Relationship APK, lecture
2019 Fear of failure at school and in class, symposium
2018 Perfectionist students… and their teachers and parents, symposium
2018 Book presentation: The Silicone Leak
2018 Souring or Cashing in on older teachers, symposium
2017 3rd National Fear of Failure Congress
2017 Music festival Goats a GoGo
2016 VCW anniversary symposium
2014 International Contextual Congress


I give lectures and presentations. Here, too, my attention is focused on the relationship that man has with himself and the other.


  • How to improve your relationship
  • From uncertainty and fear to self-confidence
  • Restoring conflicts
  • If your own history gets in your way
  • Reduce the negative consequences of divorce or legal separation
  • The family and work relationship back in balance in a family business


Parents evenings
There are various themes for parents’ evenings at schools. On request, a presentation with a different, suitable theme can be offered.

  • How to increase your child’s independence, self-confidence and self-image
  • The dynamics between siblings
  • What if you have a child with different behavior
  • Limiting the effects of divorce
  • Where do perfectionism and fear of failure come from
  • Dealing with anger and criticism
  • Intergenerational and intercultural effects

Greet de Bruijn
Beekstraat 14
5671 CT Nuenen
T +31 611 498 416

Banknr: NL 03 ABNA 081 86 07 792
KvK: 17123641
BTW nummer: 140.58.462.B.01

GoTogdb is part of communication consultancy The Bitter End