

Training: Working with couples

2-day training
2-day training for care workers and practitioners working with couples

Improve communication
How can you improve communication between you and your partner, or others? So that you can better understand each other, speak out and repair conflicts. In this video I would like to give you three insights that are leading for me.
Lecture International Conference on Contextual Therapy 2021 “Legacy and application”.

2021 Budapest
My lecture (in English) was titled: Dialogue, antidote to dislocation in families, societies and countries. But did not went true.

Home sitters off the couch? (In Dutch)

11 november 2020
Symposium on the way – 11 November 2020: Thousands of students – there will be more – don’t go to school. Why?

Learning (from) to be unhappy with Dirk de Wachter ( In Dutch)

9 december 2020
Symposium on the way – December 9, 2020: Why and how do we teach our students to live with misfortune and troubles? Prof. Dr. Dirk de Wachter gives insight into the meaning of the happiness obsession for pupils and education.

Basic Book contextual work

Lifeblood of trust for real relationship. Listen to hear..find your voice..risk your truth A special book that makes contextual work easier to access based on the life of Barbara Krasner. Here a short impression of her lecture in 2014 when our friendship started as she spoke at my invitation as a Keynote speaker at the […]

Book launch: Lifeblood of trust for real relationship

6 November 2019
Book launch: Lifeblood of trust for real relationship -Listen to hear..find your voice..risk your truth ( Barbara Krasner, Doug Schoeninger, Karen Allen and Greet de Bruijn)

Greet de Bruijn
Beekstraat 14
5671 CT Nuenen
T +31 611 498 416

Banknr: NL 03 ABNA 081 86 07 792
KvK: 17123641
BTW nummer: 140.58.462.B.01

GoTogdb is part of communication consultancy The Bitter End