
New: Lifeblood of trust for real relationship

Listen to hear…find your voice…risk your truth (ACCO 2019) English language

How to maintain and restore meaningful relationships. A unique, illustrated biography of life and work by Barbara Krasner, co-founder of the contextual vision used in many countries, especially in youth and family care. Authors: Barbara Krasner, Karen Allen, Douglas Schoeninger and Greet de Bruijn.
Order: price € 27,50 (incl. shipping costs in NL) on account number: NL03 ABNA 081 06 07 972 t.n.v. The Bitter End in Nuenen, The Netherlands, mentioning “Lifeblood”, with name and address.

Book: Zelf laten doen ( in Dutch) (TBE)

Everyone who raises children or works with them wants to give them Self-respect, Self-confidence and Independence. That is not always easy. This book is a guide with mainly practical guidelines about children from 0 to 12 years of age. What can you expect from them in the social field, physical development, how to help them deal with criticism and anger, sexual development, how much pocket money can you give them and above all: what can they do themselves!

Order (Sold out only available as download)
Price € 7.00 on account number: NL03 ABNA 081 06 07 972 in the name of. The Bitter End in Nuenen, citing “Zelf doen”, with name and address. Please also provide your e-mail address so that I can send you the digital version.

Book: De toekomst daar komt geen eind aan! ( In Dutch)( Pepijn)

In 2007 Don Croonenberg and I talked to more than 600 children (10-14 years old) throughout almost the whole of the Netherlands about the current and future ‘state of the world’ and the Netherlands in particular. This was followed by stories written by the children themselves, sixty of which can be found in this striking book, supplemented by about two hundred pointed, witty, often disturbing one-liners of the children.  It also contains contributions from the ministers at the time, Ronald Plasterk and Andre Rouvoet, former Unicef director Henk Franken, Kees Paling of the Sociaal-Cultureel Planbureau and Bamber Delver, director of Stichting Kinderconsument.

Order: € 12.00 (incl. shipping costs in NL) on account number: NL03 ABNA 081 06 07 972 t.n.v. The Bitter End in Nuenen, mentioning “De Toekomst”, with name and address.

Book: Het geheim van de Sint (In Dutch) (TBE)

With the Sinterklaas every year in the Netherlands, many parents wonder if they will tell it this year. Let’s believe the children for another year, with the risk that they will discover in an annoying way that the Sint …?  Or are we going to tell them? But when and how? This book offers a solution. Sophie, girl of eight, is going to investigate. How is it possible that some children get big gifts and others little or nothing? Where does Sint get all that money from? Why are the white horses from the equestrian center all gone around St. Nicholas’ time? How many house keys does Black Pete have? Sofie asks her friends for help, asks her parents difficult questions, looks on the internet, bakes peppernuts with both her brothers, and searches the whole house for clues and answers. One evening she makes a strange discovery…

Order: € 10,00 incl. shipping costs in NL) on account number:NL03 ABNA 0 81 06 07 972 t.n.v. The Bitter End in Nuenen, stating “Sint”, with name and address.

Newspaper section: Greet weet raad ( In Dutch in the Nuenen newspaper archive)

Greet de Bruijn
Beekstraat 14a
5671 CT Nuenen
T +31 611 498 416

Banknr: 81 86 07 792
KvK: 17123641
BTW nummer: 140.58.462.B.01

GoTogdb is part of communication consultancy The Bitter End
our event agency: Loyaal Leven